With computer-aided design and actual prototyping printers already available to the public, sculptors often wonder if the trend of technological manufacturing will catch up to them. Machines and programs are getting more and more accurate, reaching well over 480 dpi on three dimensional printing. Leading companies like Diamond and Zcorp are finding more and more ways to create better 3D printers to sculpt for people.

 What is the future for artists and sculptors in this field if all this personal manufacturing is going to come next? We've been thinking about it and there were a lot of things brought up to the table. First off, we believe that sculpting as an artform is the creative talent that allows a person to conceive a design in free space. Whether in tangible form or in computer cyberspace, a sculptor will still remain a sculptor. Pixar's animators for us are also considered as some of the best sculptors because although they do not use concrete media, their capability for sculptural design well exceeds the par standards. Sculptors do not need to worry about their craft being stolen by machines or computer engineers, because talent is talent and it doesn't matter what media people will use to create. What we believe sculptors must do, is learn. The artists of today need to learn and adapt to the recent public technology thats becoming more and more available to the market. the days of stubborn traditions are over, we have to move with the tides of technology.

Aside from this bit, we believe that just like the Jewelry industry, the sculpture world will still have a direct need for hand-made artwork. Why? Mainly because it appeals to people. Hand-made sculptures are different from 3D modeled print-outs, just like hand-cast jewelry is a novelty that hasn't been replaced even after the invention of the wax printer (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and the Rhino Program (Computer Aided Design for Jewelry.) Technology may be getting more accurate, but who ever said that beauty was all bout accuracy? For the most part, sculptural trends are actually deviating away from accuracy. With the emergence of modern and contemporary sculptures, as well as the diversity in sculpting media today, I seriously doubt that there will be printers that can catch up to these movements any time soon.

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